Diamond Slurry Dispenser, Magnetic Slurry Stirrer and Slurry Dispensing Bar
Diamond Slurry Dispenser

The diamond slurry dispenser is an electronic/pneumatic control unit used to precisely meter specific volumes of diamond slurry. The dispenser is a two stage unit that will control both diamond slurry and diamond lubricant. Adjustable digital timers in the dispenser control the duration of diamond spray, the interval between sprays and a count down timer indicates when the next spray will occur. Manual override of the programmed timers is standard.
The dispenser is the best equipment to use for maintaining a high degree of process control and consistency when diamond processing. It also serves to economize on the use of expensive diamond slurry. An additional benefit of automatic slurry dispensing is freeing the operator to perform other duties while the machine is processing.
Magnetic Slurry Stirrer
The magnetic slurry stirring unit is required whenever a dispenser is utilized. The diamond particles in a bottle of slurry fall out of suspension with gravity. The stirring unit comes with a magnet that is dropped into one of the two glass bottles included with the dispensing bar. The bottle is placed into the front bottle position of the stirrer. The rear bottle position is for diamond lubricant that contains no abrasive and does not require stirring. Be sure to shake the plastic bottles of diamond slurry to mix all of the diamond powder into suspension. The slurry can now be poured into the glass bottle with the magnet. The magnet in the bottle will form an attraction to the variable speed driven magnet in the stirring unit and the diamond slurry will be stirred.
Slurry Dispensing Bar
The dispensing bar along with two special grommet-top glass bottles is a device necessary to allow the electronic dispenser to distribute slurry from the stirred slurry bottle to the polishing plate. The bar has two fluid supply nozzles, one for diamond slurry and another for diamond lubricant, as well as two pneumatic nozzles for the air supply lines from the two stages of the electronic dispenser. The bar installs on the machine worktable adjacent to the polishing plate and extends over the plate to dispense slurry where it is required.
Two dispensing bars with different lengths are available. The lap plate size determines what length and how many nozzles are available.
Trigger Spray Bottle
This bottle can be used to dispense diamond whenever there is no other means to do so. It requires that an operator constantly monitor the process. The operator must shake the bottle each time prior to spraying. This is certainly the low cost alternative.
This is also an item that is very convenient to have for other uses. It is always a good idea to wet a lap plate and polishing plate with lubricant or slurry prior to starting the machine. The trigger spray bottle would make this task very easy.